Thursday, March 19, 2009

Welcome to 'Fthreedom'

In Room 3 we have created 'Fthreople' in our Expressive Writing books. Expressive writing is when we do our best writing 'first time' to develop fluency and accuracy. It is work that is not edited or published and it is not usually for an audience.
Rm3 has made our 'Fthreople' so we have a buddy to write letters to. They are like our imaginery friends. 
We have made them in plastercine too and we are going to make homes for them. Look out for more Fthreople adventures!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Using Spelling City

Go to Great Links and select Spelling City.
Login ID = Kelliem Password = nayland
Once you are in you can select spelling lists already created or you can make your own from the existing lists.
Select 'playing games and try 'Match it'
More updates to come!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Week 7 Homework

Homework this week is directly from the Brain Webquest. See Kellie's Webquests.
Your homework is the answer the questions and complete the quizzes. The Title page will be done in class time.
Complete the work in your topic book this week please.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Homework: Week 5

Homework this week;
The Senior Syndicate Passport is a collection of activities to cover the beginning of the school year and is integrated with our unit;
Being the best we can be.
Please complete
• Map of how you get to school –please draw this into your homework book.
• Senior Syndicate Quiz –Get your parents to help!!
• Leadership. Talk to your parents about the questions on this page to help you form your own opinions.
Next week your parents will be commenting on your work in the Passport. You may need to finish some pages and work on your presentation (including handwriting!).
Word Study:
This weeks spelling is to create a 20 word crossword (10 across and 10 down) using words from the Passport that relate to the Multiple Intelligences / leadership or personal goals
to create and make your clues.
A 30 word word-find using 30 words from Multiple Intelligences/leadership or personal goals.

There are some pages we will finish next week so only complete the ones we have done in class and the ones above!
If homework is not collected at school due to absences students are expected to get the sheet as soon as possible or from this blogsite.

If homework is too hard and needs adjusting to suit specific learning needs the student needs to see me by Thursday of the week the homework is set. They need to explain what is too challenging and suggest an alternative e.g reducing the words in the wordfind etc.
If this discussion is left until after Thursday it becomes more of a time-management issue which I will be less negotiable over!