We are having technical difficulty with the computer system at school so homework has not been printed today.
Spelling: 10 words to learn and test. Use Spelling City for fun games using your words or practice by Say it, Spell it, Cover it, write it, check it.
Reading: is to be recorded on the homework sheet now. Record the title and pages read.
Maths: Basic facts at your individual level to be practiced by playing games like 'Salute' or 'Number plates'. $2 shop has add./sub. and mult./div. cards available for ...$2
Websites like www.funbrain.com and www.nzmaths.co.nz have games and links to sites for online practice.(NZ Maths site go to; Families-Activities to do at home)
Our Homework interest section is Art Costa's Habits of Mind. These are 16 behaviours that highly effective people display when facing a problem. These traits have been researched over the
years and when taught can improve problem solving capacity.Search 'Habits of Mind' and identify what Habits you use and what ones you know you are not so good at.
Record in your homework book in an interesting way showing the habits 'Striving for Accuracy' and 'Creating, imagining and Innovating' (in other words your work needs to be interestingly displayed and accurately copied).