Q:What is Matariki?
A:Matariki is the maori new year and a time to celebrate people, culture, language, spirituality, and history.
Q:Why was it an important celebration?
A:Because before clocks and calendars came the maori knew when it was their new year and when to plant the seeds.
Q:3 facts about Matariki
A1:Matariki looks like a mini cross with 3 extra stars.
2:Matariki shows how easy it will be to grow crops that year.
3:Matariki was a time when tribes got together and celebrated because all the hard work was over and they had enough food to last until Spring.
Q:Why do you think it is still an important celebration?
A: Because Matariki has been around for a long time and only recently did all New Zealanders start celebrating it.