Wednesday, June 5, 2013


It was 8:30’ and T3 grabbed a couple kayaks and headed for Marahau beach to have a ride. 

Firstly Mr Davis went over some safety rules and tips. Then we were off. The first group was Adele,first to fall out was Dominique,then jasmine so she ran back to shore,everybody  laughed so she grabbed a bucket and soaked everybody that laughed.

Next was Anchorage,and they where all right because nobody fell out.

After was the Marahau group,I’m not sure if any body fell out because I was doing the big dig that is activity when there is a fenced area and you dig for a little piece of pink paper in a ball. I dug and dug until finally my hand hit something I dug some more and I Found a pink piece of paper so I won a chocolate bar. 

Finally it was my turn for kayaking. I hopped into a pink kayak and sped out to the point.A couple of seconds later...bang! smack right head first into Caitlin’s kayak. "Hey!" she said,so she hit me with her oar. After that,Kenya asked me if I would switch kayaks because she was used to the kayak I was in so I said yes then I got in the green and Purple one,after that jack asked me for a race,"but you don’t have a kayak" I said, 
"I guess it is going to be a running kayak race" replied
 jack, "let’s do it!" I said.3,2,1,go!,it was tough but finally I won!,yes,victory. 

We all thought it was a great day then MrC called us in,so we grabbed our stuff and went back to camp.We had a shower and  morning tea,after that we were onto the next activity but that’s a different story.

By Quaid

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