Q.What is Matariki?
A.Matariki is the Maori New Year, it is also a day for celebrating all the hard work the villagers put into making/harvesting/planting/weeding/cooking all of the crops (Vegetables/Food) And it’s a day to set new goals and be appreciative for what you have got.
Q.Why it’s important?
A.It’s important because you need to remember and appreciate what you have got and it is also good to realize how much work others have put in and not ‘just’ others also you! It is a day of celebration and reward.
Q.3 Facts about Matariki?
A. Number 1. Matariki is the Maori New Year and also to celebrate the harvesting in the crops. Number 2. Matariki (The stars mainly) has many myths on how it came and why it’s still here like eyeballs (Kind of gross!), Rungi Nui, 7 Little Fishes, Fantail Women and many, many more! Number 3. Matariki has been around before calendars and clocks, before computers and t.vs and before they had invented cars!
Q.Why do you think it’s still such an important celebration?
A.Because it is still the Maori New Year even though it has been this long, it’s just like Christmas only it’s mainly for Maori and not as big compared to Christmas. It is also still an important celebration in my opinion because it is a memorable and there are lots of fun and interesting myths and memories involved in Matariki.
I enjoy learning about Matariki because it is always nice to learn something new about a different country/place. I also enjoy finding out so much about stars because I have always had a fascination about stars and planets!